Get to know Jim Pierce and his approach to leadership.
“I met Jim Pierce over 10 years ago upon the advice of a mutual friend. My friend and Jim had worked together for many years where Jim’s last job was Co-Head of The UBS Wealth Management Division. Jim had decided to build an advisory firm based on leadership. Jim was known internally for his skills in the area of leadership and also his talents in coaching his team on leadership. My friend gave a number of compelling reasons for me to at least meet Jim. I’ll get back to meeting Jim in a moment. My background is one of starting in an industry, the financial services industry at the tender age of 23 and recently retiring at age 70. I started as what we now call a financial advisor, then called stockbroker, and ended as CEO and Chairman of a Regional Investment Firm. I worked for 4 firms over this period of time, mostly moving due to mergers in which forced me to find another regional firm. Over the years, I became a student of leadership as I got involved on the management side. I was struck by the fact that it seemed that every firm understood the importance of high-quality management and leadership, but they all brought in some outside vendor that had the latest on management and leadership. The senior folks were not very involved (maybe with one exception) and they changed their programs and focus every one to two years. All good stuff, but no consistency.
When I met Jim what impressed me was not only the depth of the data information that he had acquired over the years, but that he used that data as the foundation of his program. It was a program that could last forever in my estimation. The timing was good as I was trying to find something that we could indenture into the fabric of our firm and be consistent in our leadership approach for years to come. The foundation of Jim’s program is based on those leadership traits that are proven to be the most valued leadership traits in the world. What Jim’s program will give your firm is a common belief system and it provides a dialogue for discussion amongst themselves and their teams. Having a common belief system is very powerful in my opinion and proved to be for us. And what really cemented it for me was Jim’s willingness to not just teach his program in house, but consider helping us to be the teachers as well. His lack of being defensive about this made the difference. We started the program with senior executives (many who became facilitators) and then worked down from there and ultimately trained all of our senior executives and branch managers and at this time we have trained over 200 in the program and the program is going strong 10 years later. I think the key was getting the top executives to buy into the program and then frankly, it was easy to roll it out. So, if you are thinking about using Jim and his program, I have several thoughts. Spend the time to get to know him. Read all of his materials and commit to starting at the highest levels of your company. If you do all this, I have no doubt that like me, it will be the best thing that you can do to help your firm to stand apart.”
Jim Kerr
Retired Chairman and CEO
D.A. Davidson Companies
On Developing Your Leadership Philosophy
“Developing my own leadership philosophy with Jim Pierce’s guidance was the foundation upon which I have continually built my value as a leader, professionally and personally. Inspiring a Shared Vision and Encouraging the Heart have become hallmarks of my leadership. Jim’s use of the LPI [Leadership Practices Inventory], creating a common leadership language, while blending one’s own unique needs and strengths, is a brilliant game-changing approach. Jim’s individual and ‘train the coach’ programs are unparalleled.”
Kim Jenson
Chief Operating Officer
Private Client Group
Raymond James Financial
Using My ‘Personal Leadership Coaching Plan’
“This process is the most transformational training I have ever been involved in. It gave me and my direct reports the ability to influence the people we work with to get better results. The key to Jim Pierce’s training is the continued follow up that keeps reinforcing your vision and the skill to execute that vision. Every day when I approach multiple challenges I use this framework to help me lead.”
Dave Pollock
Regional Manager
Seattle, WA
D.A. Davidson & Co.
More Than a Sales Manager
“I just wanted to say thank you for the time you spent with me last year. Obviously, with the changes in our industry have come changes to the role of Complex Director. No longer are we simply sales managers and compliance officers. We have been forced to assume a leadership role that focuses on moving the business forward, as well as helping the advisors to move their businesses forward. Among the terms I have heard to describe who we are: “change agent”, “coach”, “business development officer”, “steward”. For some, the assumption of these new responsibilities has been difficult; for others it has been impossible. Because of your coaching, the change has been for me rewarding, and dare I say, successful.”
Joseph A. Dieterle, III
Executive Director
Complex Director, Northern New England
On ‘Coaching Overload’
“I have been through numerous coaching, mentoring, and skill development programs during my career. I was hesitant to engage with coaching, as I never found I really learned anything from the prior experiences; by that I mean I never was able to take a piece of insight or crumb of wisdom and apply it to my leadership style. Being coached by you changed my perception and reality.
The monthly calls and meetings were key drivers to this process. You provided insight and different viewpoints; you challenged my thought process and made me see issues from another point of view. Most importantly, there was accountability. I knew each and every month we were going to build on the traits which were important to me. I knew each and every month I’d better deliver on what I said I was going to.
Your leadership coaching has shown me what is possible. I am a much more substantial leader because of it.”
Wendi Eckardt
Managing Director
Regional Manager, Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management
San Francisco
Be an Influencer
“As a Regional Manager and Division Manager, Jim always professed that the role of the Branch Manager was not to manage but to lead. I have heard people say, “You can’t teach leadership… either you have it or you don’t.” I no longer think this is true. Jim Pierce can teach people to be leaders and can help current leaders be better leaders.
By using feedback on my leadership from my manager, direct reports, and others, Jim worked with me to identify my leadership strengths and weaknesses. I also found out how others I work with perceive me. Using this information, Jim helped me interpret this feedback to develop a game plan, a road map that would help me become a more effective leader. I continue to use this road map today.
At the conclusion of the coaching engagement, Jim takes the time to pull together a number of the subjects that we discussed throughout the year and brings them in to focus. In doing so, he left me with a document that is extremely helpful, and serves as a reminder of things I need to work on.”
John E. Geoghan
Managing Director
Complex Director, Red Bank Complex